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Jan 3, 2024 2:21:01 AM Practice EHR

MIPS Update for PY 2023 - 2024

As we gear up for the New Year, we are delighted to share some game-changing updates that will elevate your MIPS reporting experience with Practice EHR.

What is MIPS and How Does it Impact You?

Before we delve into the details of our partnership, let us briefly revisit the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). MIPS is a crucial component of the Quality Payment Program (QPP), designed to reward healthcare providers for delivering high-quality, cost-effective care. Participating in MIPS ensures that you not only meet regulatory requirements but also position yourself for financial incentives and improved patient outcomes.

In-House MIPS Submission and External Registry Collaboration for 2024

Starting in 2024, Practice EHR is proud to announce that we will be facilitating MIPS submission in-house, empowering you with greater control and efficiency in your reporting processes. Additionally, we are excited to support collaboration with external registries for those seeking a broader range of measures to optimize their MIPS performance.

eCQM Support for In-House Reporting:

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our robust support for Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs). For the performance year 2024, we are equipped and certified to handle the submission of 9 key eCQMs, each designed to provide a comprehensive view of your practice's performance. The supported eCQMs include:

1. CMS50 - Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report

2. CMS68 - Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record

3. CMS69 - Preventative Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-up Plan

4. CMS122 - Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (> 9%)

5. CMS131 - Diabetes: Eye Exam

6. CMS138 - Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention

7. CMS156 - Use of High-Risk Medications in Older Adults

8. CMS165 - Controlling High Blood Pressure

9. CMS349 - HIV Screening

Our Partnership with Quantician, a MIPS Qualified Data Registry:

Practice EHR has joined forces with Quantician, a leading MIPS Qualified Data Registry. This strategic alliance is poised to bring forth a multitude of benefits for our valued clients:

  • Streamlined Quality Reporting: Quantician's advanced data registry simplifies your MIPS reporting process, helping you effortlessly meet compliance requirements and achieve optimal scores.
  • Real-Time Performance Insights: Gain unparalleled insights into your practice's performance through real-time analytics, empowering you to make informed decisions and drive continuous improvement.
  • Enhanced Interoperability: Our partnership ensures seamless integration between your EHR and Quantician's MIPS data registry, fostering interoperability and maximizing the utility of your healthcare data.
  • Customized Support: Benefit from personalized support and guidance, as our teams work collaboratively to navigate the complexities of MIPS reporting and address your unique needs.

Quantician Point of Contact:

  • Should you have any questions or require additional information about Quantician, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated point of contact at Quantician:
  • Name: Kegan Williams
  • Email: kegan@quantician.com
  • Phone: (407) 375-5205
  • You can also visit their website https://www.quantician.com/

CQM Support for 2023-24

In addition to robust eCQM support, Practice EHR handles the submission of 17 MIPS Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) for the performance year 2024. Drawn from a pool of 198, these CQMs cover diverse healthcare aspects, promoting a comprehensive approach to quality reporting. The supported MIPS CQMs include:

1. Quality ID #1 (NQF 0059): Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (>9%)

2. Quality ID #112 (NQF 2372): Breast Cancer Screening

3. Quality ID #113 (NQF 0034): Colorectal Cancer Screening

4. Quality ID #126: Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Peripheral Neuropathy Neurological Evaluation

5. Quality ID #127: Diabetes Mellitus - Diabetic Foot and Ankle Care, Ulcer Prevention - Evaluation of Footwear

6. Quality ID #128: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan

7. Quality ID #134: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan

8. Quality ID #155 (NQF 0101): Falls: Plan of Care

9. Quality ID #182: Functional Outcome Assessment

10. Quality ID #217: Functional Status Change for Patients with Knee Impairments

11. Quality ID #218: Functional Status Change for Patients with Hip Impairments

12. Quality ID #219: Functional Status Change for Patients with Lower Leg, Foot, or Ankle Impairments

13. Quality ID #220: Functional Status Change for Patients with Low Back Impairments

14. Quality ID #226 (NQF 0028): Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention

15. Quality ID #236: Controlling High Blood Pressure

16. Quality ID #357: Surgical Site Infection (SSI)

17. Quality ID #431 (NQF 2152): Preventive Care and Screening: Unhealthy Alcohol Use: Screening & Brief Counseling

For added flexibility, we are also equipped to support all 198 MIPS CQMs through our partner registry, Quantician, facilitating a comprehensive approach to quality reporting. This ensures our clients have the flexibility to choose the reporting strategy that aligns best with their organizational goals, contributing to higher MIPS scores.

If you have any questions regarding MIPS, please contact MIPS@Practiceehr.com

Thank you for choosing Practice EHR as your trusted partner.

Topics: Patient Care, EHR Solution, digital age, Cloud-based EHR, MACRA/MIPS, Medical Billing, EHR, MIPS, MIPS Reporting




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