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The ONE built by healthcare experts.

When building a medical software solution, it is important that the expectations of the healthcare industry are not just met, but exceeded. That’s why our team has an extensive background in healthcare. Backed by years of experience and proven technology that we built from the ground up, Practice EHR was designed and developed by healthcare experts with your organization in mind. In fact, our software is used by thousands of companies nationwide – including large and small billing companies, outpatient hospital services, surgery centers and private practices.


Built from the ground up.

The ONE that does it all.

Practice EHR works with any specialty to streamline the entire patient visit, from check-in to check-out, billing to claim submission, and scheduling to follow up – all in ONE place.


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The Most Important Features of Pediatrics EHR Software

The Most Important Features of Pediatrics EHR Software

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) encourages EHR adoption in pediatric practices to streamline the complexities of managing patient care....

Future Trends in EHR and Practice Management: What to Expect

Future Trends in EHR and Practice Management: What to Expect

While practice management is not entirely impossible without an EHR system, it is extremely difficult to manage modern healthcare practices...

Streamlining Your Neurology Practice with the Right EHR System

Streamlining Your Neurology Practice with the Right EHR System

Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have fundamentally transformed health practices' approach to managing patient records. With a nearly 90%...

Essential Features to Look for in a Family Medicine EHR System

Essential Features to Look for in a Family Medicine EHR System

The Institute of Medicine and The Future of Family Medicine have highlighted the critical role of information technologies, particularly electronic...